Dumbbells or resistance bands, which is better?

Dumbbells or resistance bands, which is better?

All of the different types of DVDs and home workout systems available today usually have some kind of sculpting section. Muscle burns calories even when you’re sitting down watching TV, so building muscle and toning is generally recommended for most workouts.

To tone your muscles you need some kind of resistance. Dumbbells are good because they have real weight and some people like the heavy feeling they give, but they can take up a lot of space in your home and cost a lot of money.

Imagine if you bought a set of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 pound dumbbells. How much space would that take up? Another option is to purchase a set of interchangeable weight plates. While this is a good alternative, changing plates for each exercise can be quite cumbersome and once again space becomes an issue.

What about resistance bands? Resistance bands are a great alternative for several reasons. First of all, they are compact. Some band sets will come with a travel bag for easy storage and will only take up a small corner of your closet or you can hang them on a hook.

Second, they are light. Moving the bands from room to room is easy as they don’t weigh much. And if you work out in a different room than where you keep them, it won’t be a hassle to bring them along.

Third, they are profitable. An 88 pound set of bands will set you back around $50. That’s more weight than most people will need for a good price.

Bands take a bit of getting used to and seem to work better for some exercises than others. But one thing is for sure: you can definitely get a good muscle workout with them.

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